Professione Aste - Firenze

For the executed

Home > For the executed

Cosa fare se non riesci a pagare le rate del mutuo o se la tua casa è già stata pignorata?

The executed, that is the former owners of the foreclosed property, seem to be the weakest link in the process of purchase in judicial auction. In truth, if they become aware of what is happening and act in time, they can try to limit the damage as much as possible, getting out of a difficult situation with the possibility of seeing their debt cleared.

We therefore advise the executors and all those who have difficulty in supporting the mortgage instalments to contact us as soon as possible, in order to verify the real situation and try to find the best solution to the problem, which is often not as serious as it seems.

For any further information, please contact by mail Dr. Alberto Vistalli or by mobile number +393356949533